Building Rapport

Creating strong connections with clients can’t always be left to chance or luck.

It requires a framework that ensures proper preparation and implementation take place.

This means that building rapport need:

  • Strategic skills

  • Well thought-out process

  • Preparation time

Some client relationships may quickly take shape by chance or common interest.

If we take the time to do our homework, we can create stronger connections with a wider range of people.

Building Rapport is a Critical Skill

Establishing a rapport is a crucial aspect of successful relationship-building. It creates a foundation of goodwill and understanding between parties.

It's essential not to take for granted the significance of building rapport. This is because individuals prefer doing business with those they Know, Like and Trust

Building rapport may seem natural, but it is a complicated and personal skill to develop.

People sometimes miss opportunities to build rapport with clients. This happens when they are nervous, have other agendas, or take things for granted.

5 Key Methods to Build Rapport Successfully

  1. Show genuine interest: Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to the client's responses

  2. Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues: Observe the client's tone, facial expressions, and body language to gauge their level of engagement

  3. Conduct thorough research beforehand: Gather information about the client's interests, hobbies, job history, and company culture to identify potential commonalities

  4. Focus on the needs of the client: Tailor your approach to the client's specific needs and preferences

  5. Maintain a respectful demeanor: Demonstrate professionalism and respect in all interactions with the client.

Tools to Help Us Build Rapport

Tool 1: Ask Questions

When aiming to establish rapport, it's important to:

  • Use questions that show interest

  • Listen carefully to the client's responses

  • Reply appropriately

Authentic opportunities can present themselves throughout the meeting. For example, a client who initially wants to get down to business may become more willing to engage later on. Additionally, visual cues in the office can serve as a gateway to forming a connection.

Information gathered about the client in one meeting can be valuable in the future. Strong client rapport is built when connection continues even after a deal.

Tool 2: Research Online Pre-meeting

Sales relationships can be built on two levels: personal and business.

Thanks to the internet, we can conveniently get information about a client. Doing a brief search on the internet can provide insights in areas that matter to the client.

A significant advantage is gained by researching a client's individual profile. This also helps to understand their business culture better. By investing time in this, we earn client's respect, as well as extra time with them.

Here are some quick tips on how we can use the internet to research information that can help build rapport:

Personal Level:

Individual information can be accessed via various online sources such as Google searches, alerts, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media sites.

These platforms allow us to view a client's previous job experience and locations. We can even identify recent conferences that they attended or presented at.

Business Level:

When searching for business information, the client company website remains the primary source.

Business details can also be obtained from YouTube channels, LinkedIn company pages, and company Twitter accounts.

Sincerity is Key to Building Rapport

The most critical factor in building rapport is sincerity. Clients can easily recognize when someone is not genuine or enthusiastic. When we show our sincerity, enthusiasm, and interest, it will be acknowledged by the client.

Building rapport requires patience, effort, and a willingness to invest time and energy into the relationship. With practice and dedication, anyone can become skilled in building rapport with clients.

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